Employer heading

- Address
Charter House
Welwyn Garden City
AL8 6JL - Telephone number
- 01707 369421
Here at Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board, we're responsible for planning and overseeing how NHS money is spent to support the people who live in Hertfordshire and west Essex.
We have around 750 employees and our role is to make sure health services work well and are of high quality as well as value for money. We hold the budgets for those NHS services, which include:
- urgent and emergency care
- GP services
- most dental services
- optometrist (optician) services
- community nursing
- mental health support
- rehabilitative care
- most planned hospital care
- all age continuing care, which is for adult and children with long term complex physical or mental health needs
List jobs with NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board in Nursing and Midwifery, Administrative Services, Directors or all sectors