Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive CareNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantBlackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Personal AssistantAtlas Level 5Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£26,006 - £31,440 Per Annum
Consultant Care of Older PersonYC72Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Advanced Specialist Pharmacist - Pharmacy Education & TrainingBAND 8aBlackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£53,755 - £60,504 +£2,400 EDC payment
Consultant Child and Adolescent PsychiatristNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantBlackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata